Sex and the Job Market

How has the current recession affected men and women in the workforce? Statistics clearly indicate that the prolonged recession has disproportionately hurt more men than women.  It comes as no surprise that job loss in key industries such as manufacturing and construction are greater since men make up a higher percentage of the workforce.  On the other hand, women work …

A RARE Bipartisan Agreement for Creating New Jobs

A RARE Bipartisan Agreement for Creating New Jobs In an atypical vote that proved that bipartisanism is still possible in The US, the Senate approved and sent to President Obama a bill intended to stimulate employment by providing businesses with inducements to hire new workers.  This action took place yesterday, Wednesday March 17th. The legislation was approved by a clear …

Too Old to Find a New Job? Think Again!

        Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t – you’re right!” There are more than 78 million baby boomers that collectively make up a significant part of the labor market today. Many who are looking for jobs feel that they are too old to attract good opportunities. The fact is …

Strategy is Everything: 6 Steps to Creating a Successful Job Campaign Strategy

If David is a hard worker, a positive thinker, and a good person, but is running west to catch a sunrise, he’ll never see the light! You see, when it comes to successfully securing a job in these troubled times – in high unemployment job markets – strategy is everything. Resourceful and innovative tactics are key to beating out your …

Want to Become an Entrepreneur? 10 Tips on How to Do It

“I teach kids to buy two bicycles; one to ride and one to rent,” says well-respected business philosopher Jim Rohn. Entrepreneurialism is a natural human phenomenon and today, with job security about as secure as airline flight schedules, the only job security may be that which you create for yourself. Why do I say that entrepreneurialism is a natural human …