Can You Afford to Waste a Year of Your Life?

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Somehow, the start of a new year always reminds people to do what they have not done. The average “New Year’s Resolution” lasts about 2 days and quickly turns into a New Year’s Reso-Delusion. Have you ever promised yourself:

I’ll be kinder to people; I’ll exercise more; I’ll read more books; I’ll save more and spend less; I’ll stop smoking; I’ll work smarter at building my business; I’ll work harder to find the right job; I’ll lose 50 pounds?

If we were honest with ourselves, we’d admit that such resolutions were just thoughts on a wish list without an action component. And a year later, we find that we just let another year slip away and are unfulfilled in so many ways.

find the right job this year

As we enter a new year, let me share with you a question that is truly life-changing:

“If you could identify just 2 or 3 things that would revolutionize the quality of your life for the better over the next 12 months – and that you would totally commit to, what would they be?”

Most people never ask themselves this question, and year from now, when December 2013 rolls around (and it will be here sooner than you think), how will you know that 2013 was the best year you ever had? What has to happen for 2013 to be a magnificent and rewarding year for you?

find the right careerWhen you identify the two or three things that will revolutionize the quality of your life for the better in 2013, you will identify ambitions that stir the imagination. These goals become like a magnet – it’s the Law of Living an Extraordinary Life. When the pull of the future is abundantly exciting and compelling, there is a magical power that is associated with an awesome force. That power is called “getting through the adversities.” Every promise has its price and every goal has its challenges – its brick walls. When you identify and commit to two or three things that will be life-changing for you and that will provide you and your family with the riches and rewards you want and deserve, you will manage and successfully overcome all the setbacks, obstacles, adversities, and failures that are part of the journey. Quitting is never an option.

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Master cellist Pablo Casals was once asked, “How are you able to play the cello with such magnificence?” He replied, “I hear it before I play it.” Legendary Golf Professional Jack Nicklaus said, “A clear vision gives me a line to the cup just as clearly as if it’s been tattooed on my brain. With that feeling, all I have to do is swing the clubs and let nature take its course.”

When you are clear on what things are worth committing to in 2013, you’ll pursue them even though you have no idea how you’ll achieve them. The Law of Living an Extraordinary Life begins when you are clear on your purpose and vision. Landing a man on the moon in a decade was the vision that John Kennedy held out as an inspiring magnet pulling an entire nation to develop the technological capability for manned space flights. He had no idea how we would get there – he just had the burning desire to do so, regardless of all risks; including failure.

What are your burning desires? You have them, we all do. All you need is courage to acknowledge and pursue them. George Bernard Shaw believed the true joy in life was “being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”

So, can you afford to waste a year of your life? Are you ready to inspire yourself and others to identify those few things that will make 2015 a superlative year?